Monday 11 September 2017


Find out the secrets behind these successful husband and wife partnerships.

Successful entrepreneurs talk about finding the balance between home and business.

There is a difference between loving to eat and loving to cook. The food business will be a good bet for you if you are in the latter category.
You and your spouse can enter into the food business in different ways. You could go in as a franchise, or you can start your own catering business and/or your own restaurant. Of course this is dependent on how much work you are willing to do and how much capital you can raise.

"Open communication is absolutely essential if both the marriage and the business are to be a success"

Running a business together will test your relationship like nothing else. Be prepared for some very tough times emotionally and be aware that it is going to be a couple of years, not weeks or months but years before you fully settle into your groove together. The relationship must be strong enough to handle that, and totally open communication is absolutely essential if both the marriage and the business are to be a success.

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